New Vinyl Update

Got some new records to add to the collection! Another trip to the new (to me) record store yielded some nice finds. Let's dive into them shall we? Darkspace - I Yes there is something written on the front cover here, but the black-on-black colour scheme makes it hard to get a decent photo. Darkspace is an ambient black metal group from Scandinavia (shocking, I know) and this is a repress of their first album. I used to listen to their interstellar brand of heavy metal a long time ago, and never expected to find a record of theirs just on the shelf at a record store, so colour me pleased. The ambient passages are cold and foreboding, complimenting the atmospheric style of black metal it is combined with very nicely. Long sections of blasting drums accompanied by epic tremolo picked riffs that wash over the composition. The harsh, tortured vocals focus on the vastness of space and the unknown darkness that fills it, rather than satan or demons. Black Breath - Slaves ...