New Vinyl Update

Grabbed some new vinyl this weekend, these are all records I have not previously heard but my research into the bands and their sounds leads me to think I will enjoy them.

Fen - Winter

Atmospheric black metal with an emphasis on the atmosphere. Long songs with vast build-ups to epic crescendos. I've listen to some of their previous work on older albums and always enjoyed what they were doing so I am stoked to give this record a listen. At over 70 minutes long this one will be quite the journey through endless cold and darkness, reportedly their most epic yet.

Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light

The newest album from Skeletonwitch is reportedly quite the departure for them, reinventing their melodic-death/thrash sound with a healthy dose of black metal influences. Reactions to this change (predicated by the loss of their original lead singer) seem mixed, with some people feeling his voice was integral to their sound and others appreciating this evolution. Personally, I have not listened to their previous output so this will be my introduction to the band.

DrÄpsnatt - Hymner Till UndergÄngen

This album was a record store discovery. The band name font and the cover image told me immediately this could be up my alley, and a quick search confirmed this to likely be the case. Billed as "Pagan Black Metal" their sound is fused with Scandinavian folk influences and is said to be atmospheric and melancholy. All of this hits my buttons pretty well so I figured I would go for it.

Imperium Dekadenz - Dis Manibvs

Another atmospheric black metal outfit I discovered in the record store. They're a German group and according to the sticker on the cover they are recommended for fans of Deafheaven, Drudkh, Agalloch, and Winterfylleth, which is essentially a who's who of my favorite atmospheric black metal bands. I've had decent luck in the past buying albums based on the "Recommended for fans of" stickers on them, and I always like discovering new stuff, so again I figured I would give it a shot. 


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