New Vinyl Update
Got some new records to add to the collection! Another trip to the new (to me) record store yielded some nice finds. Let's dive into them shall we?
Darkspace - I
Yes there is something written on the front cover here, but the black-on-black colour scheme makes it hard to get a decent photo. Darkspace is an ambient black metal group from Scandinavia (shocking, I know) and this is a repress of their first album. I used to listen to their interstellar brand of heavy metal a long time ago, and never expected to find a record of theirs just on the shelf at a record store, so colour me pleased. The ambient passages are cold and foreboding, complimenting the atmospheric style of black metal it is combined with very nicely. Long sections of blasting drums accompanied by epic tremolo picked riffs that wash over the composition. The harsh, tortured vocals focus on the vastness of space and the unknown darkness that fills it, rather than satan or demons.
Black Breath - Slaves Beyond Death
Black Breath are a great american metal group who have been playing a thrashy, deathy, variety of crossover hardcore for some years now. Their previous album Sentenced to Life is a great record that I enjoy very much, the thrash and hardcore influences standing out prominently. This new LP however, takes things more deeply into the heavy metal realm. While I don't think the hardcore has been ejected completely this album embraces the death metal trappings of longer songs, more intricate riffs, and utilizing a harsher style of vocals. This excites me as I think Black Breath are a very talented band and I am stoked to really get to know their take on some new school death metal.
Bosse De Nage - All Fours
This band is a new one to me. I heard them for the first time just recently when they released a teaser track from their currently forthcoming album. I thought it was pretty cool and looked into them a bit more. Bosse de Nage is an American experimental black metal band with some very cool, interesting, and intricate material, this is their fourth album. While they don't sound much like any other American black metal band I know, the stuff I have heard from them has been great and I look forward to digging into this album.
Beastmaker - Lusus Naturae
Now this is a band who clearly loves them some Black Sabbath. I've heard one song on this album previously, the guitars were fuzzy, I thought the riffs were good, and the and the very Ozzy-like delivery on the vocals was authentic. Now I love me some fuzzy low-down doom metal, and the song I've heard leads me to believe that these guys infuse it with some good old fashioned classic heavy metal, something of a blast from the past. Word on the street was good so I figured I'd give them a shot. Here's hoping they can stand tall in the pantheon of heavy metal.
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