New Vinyl Update

New record time! This week I only bought one record at the record store. The other two I picked up at a show over the weekend.

Baptists - Beacon of Faith

Baptists are a metallic hardcore outfit from Vancouver, BC. This is their most recent album which was released a few months back. They have a groovy, sludgy thing going on with their very Converge influenced hardcore sound. I heard some of their material from their last album, Bloodmine, and dug it, and I like to pick up albums from Canadian extreme metal acts, so this was a no-brainer when I saw it in the store. I may put this in the review schedule sooner rather than later.

Barishi - Blood from the Lions Mouth

This is an American progressive death metal group I only recently heard about. They were announced to be touring with Tombs, a band I like quite a lot, and so I went to check out the show when they were in town. I listened to these guys on their Bandcamp before the show and I definitely liked it so I was looking forward to their set, but live on-stage was another thing. They were really amazing, a very talented trio of guys (though four are credited on this album), and I was very impressed. I made sure to leave with their album in tow, I even got a cool transparent red one for getting it from the show!

Spectral Wound - Infernal Decadence 

Pretty traditional, but also very melodic black metal from Montreal, QC. This quintet was the opening act for the above mentioned Tombs show. Once again I gave them a bit of a listen before the show and liked their take on the black metal sound. Being the opening band for a show is not easy, the crowd is still mostly sober, they're not warmed up at all, it's often unforgiving. This crew did a solid job of not letting that stand in the way of playing a thoroughly enjoyable set, so I figured some Canadian black metal would make a great addition to my collection.


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